Try to be a millionaire by yourself

You never know how much the millionaires have paid, never know how hard they are. When they have make a great success, we only envy them how successful they are, how rich they are. And more and more beauties want to date single millionaires to satisfy their material pursuits by using their body. And others wanna copy the success of the millionaires by study with them.
You are so clever that study with them, but also you are stupid that you wanna imitate them. So many people fail after they wanna imitate millionaires, they long for wealth, and want to enrich themselves quickly. How impatient they are, how deplorable they are.
We must admire that they are clever who can get important experience from millionaires, but also show how stupid of these wanna copy the success of the millionaires. So the best idea to become a millionaires is by yourself.
Summarize many millionaires success. And now, let have a look at there experience that have benefits for you.
#be good at challenge
In the history of the human development, challenge is important. We get many idea when we succeed. Try to find more challenges, our life need go to over and over again. Challenge make us more and more powerful. If life is short of challenge, we will be normal all the time.
#being a people look straight
Memory is a good things to encourage us, but it also a drug for us. If we lose ourselves in the good memory, we will come to nought. So keep your eyes straight, memory has passed, when we have a good successful or make a bad choice, we can look back and go on moving forward.
#control your destiny
The millionaires do nothing when they cant control the things. Fortune is always absent, so we should keep destiny in our hand. Never do something when you are uncertain about. Millionaires always prepare all things when they decide to do a thing. Preparing in advance when you want to go.
#money never become more and more by saving
Millionaires never become rich by saving, they always prefer to do some invests instead saving. So when you have spare money, try to find something value to invest, such as stock, futures or bond. If you make a right invest, you will find it is so easy to make more money.
#change yourself
When you find your dont adapt the situation, you should change yourself, not want to change the situation if you are not powerful enough. To get more experience from the change.
So do you know what you need do to become a millionaire? If you are a beauties, there are too many ways to get aims, such as dating millionaires even billionaires.
